Summary of Hydroponic Gardening
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Hydroponic Gardening
Our hydroponic garden. How we do it. Articles coming soon |
Yeah its up and running |
Here are the articles within this category.
Published by admin on 28-Apr-2017 16:20 (2883 )
Well we finally got the new garden started. We are building our garden within a shade cloth house that surrounds the outside kitchen. Very convenient for not only working in the garden but when you harvest you are already in the kitchen so you can start cooking.
Published by admin on 25-Jan-2017 13:30 (1515 )
Hi, at our first off grid property we had adventured into Hydroponics with a reasonable sized set up using non circulating systems , using buckets and pipes .
We had pretty dam good results that amazed us both !
Here on the new property we are nearly ready to setup the new grow systems and until then here are some chosen and very useful videos from youtube on this subject.
We had pretty dam good results that amazed us both !
Here on the new property we are nearly ready to setup the new grow systems and until then here are some chosen and very useful videos from youtube on this subject.